Got a Salt Fiber Box and frustrated, that you cannot choose a WiFi name freely – without any limitations? Like just using a space, or any other (not so) special character, even emojis 🧐? Worry no more!

The Wireless Network Name can only contains characters

Here‘s a hack allowing you to use any name as SSID for your WLAN. And the best part: it does not lead to any technical issues when using it, as it‘s a mere UI limitation on the web interface.

Showcase time!

See the WiFi name hack in action

How to use any characters for your WLAN SSID on a Salt Fiber Box

Applicable to & tested with the following Salt Fiber products

Set a desired name for the 2.4 GHz and/or 5 GHz WLAN

  1. Open & login to the Salt Fiber Box’s web admin interface on
  2. Click on the «WLAN» menu to show the «Smart WiFi»-webpage
Open the Salt Fiber Smart WiFi-webpage
  1. In the «SSID»-field of the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz WLAN section, type your desired WiFi name
    (Need ideas? Check out this list of cool Wi-Fi names 🤡)
Add any desired SSID Name

Now block the default name validation using your web browser’s Developer Console

  1. Right-click anywhere on the webpage & choose «Inspect Element» to open the Dev Console
    (or the shortcut ++i in Google Chrome; ++i in Safari)
  2. Make sure the «Sources»-tab is selected
Show page source by opening the web browser Developer Tools
  1. Open the multi-file search:
    in Google Chrome by pressing the ESC-key; in Safari click the search icon in the top right
    (or shortcut ++f in both browsers)
Search the website files
  1. Now search for «isNvalidChar»
  2. There should be a result in the file «routine.js»click on that search hit to open it
    (in earlier Salt Fiber firmware versions, it was in a file named «wlan_combine1.htm»)
Search the files to find IsNvalidChar
  1. Add a JavaScript Breakpoint:
    with your mouse cursor, click on the Line number (around Line 11) where it reads:
    function isNvalidChar(s)
    (in earlier firmware versions there were 2 matches around Lines 197 and 201)
Add a JavaScript Breakpoint

Get the job done: save the SSID name & skip the validation

Note: do not close the Developer Console – yet

  1. Time to save: on the Salt «Smart WiFi»-webpage:
    click the big green «Save Settings»-button
  2. NOTE: Saving is being paused because the previously set breakpoint is highlighted; you will see this in the «Sources»-tab of the Developer Console
Save WLAN Settings
  1. Switch to the «Console»-tab in the Developer Console area by clicking on it
  2. ✨ Copy-paste here the following command & confirm using RETURN-key
    isNvalidChar = () => false;
    (This tells the JavaScript function that validation was successful = everything OK 😇)
Paste command IsNvalidChar=False
  1. Go back to the «Sources»-tab & click on the «Resume script execution»-button
    (or the shortcut +\ in Chrome and Safari)
Continue the JavaScript Script execution


The WiFi settings have been applied – including your custom SSID name!

Successful change of WiFi name with spaces and emoji
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