How to create an ISO disk image from a CD/DVD or a folder (in macOS Catalina)

  1. Launch from Utilities
    (CMD+U in Finder)
  2. Use the following command to create a new ISO image file MyNewISOdisk.iso from the /path/of/source/folder-or-volume
% hdiutil makehybrid -iso -joliet -o ./MyNewISOdisk.iso /path/of/source/folder-or-volume

Remark regarding the -joliet-option:
this is only required to make the ISO file fully compatible with Windows and other Operating Systems.

Solution to make ISO files in previous macOS / OS X versions

In pre-Catalina era, there was the dd command in the macOS / OS X to create an ISO disk image.

Check out my 2013 blog post «OS X: create an ISO disk image» for the instructions!

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