I was looking for a quick and easy way to block – or limit – access to a set of websites on my iPhone. The goal: to help protecting myself from wasting unnecessary time browsing 😉

After unsuccessfully trying to block websites on my router, and after looking for an App to help with that – again unsuccessfully, I finally found a built-in solution in iOS to achieve this! And with iCloud Sync it’s even cross-device compatible.

The solution: use a low «App (Time) Limit» for websites!

So in a nutshell, the approach is as follows:

Using Apple’s «Screen Time» setting – particularly the «App Limit» functionality: add the website(s) you want to strictly limit from accessing. The OS will then do the rest…

Setup «Screen Time» to block website(s)

  1. On your device, go to Settings » Screen Time » App Limits
Screenshot from iOS Settings » Screen Time with markings
  1. If not enabled yet, enable «App Limits» – and click on «Add Limit»
Screenshot from iOS Settings » App Limits with markings
  1. Scroll to the bottom of the list & expand Other » Websites
Screenshot from iOS new App Limit rule list of categories with marking Other » Websites
  1. Again scroll to the bottom. Click «Add Website» & type the website’s address (Domain).
    (repeat this step to block multiple websites with different URLs)
Screenshot from iOS new App Limit rule list showing a new entry under «Websites» category
  1. When ready click «Next» & now set the lowest time limit possible: 0 hours 1 minute
    Confirm by clicking «Add» – and that’s it!
Screenshot from iOS new App Limit rule setting » 1 minute restriction with markings

Enjoy not wasting your time anymore on nonsense websites – or at least not more than 1 minute per day 😊

Pro tip: while at it, also add a strict time limit for these addictive social media apps… Cheers!

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