Just installed Homebrew in macOS 10.15 Catalina and running the command…

$ brew doctor

…suggests to update the macOS Command Line Tools with the message:

Warning: A newer Command Line Tools release is available. Update them from Software Update in System Preferences or https://developer.apple.com/download/more/

…but macOS Software Update in System Preferences doesn’t agree, because it says “Your Mac is up to date” – and you get the same result when checking the software update from the Terminal using softwareupdate --install -a

Screenshot showing macOS Catalina Software Update message Your Mac is up to date

Then it’s time to re-install Command Line Tools!


$ sudo rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
$ xcode-select --install

This will remove the CLT & then launch the Install Command Line Developer Tools-wizard.

Follow it’s on screen instructions until the Command Line Tools have been reinstalled successfully.

Run $ brew doctor again in order to confirm for the glorious «Your system is ready to brew.»

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