Reminders Application Icon

Apple’s very own, available on OS X, iOS and iCloud, comes with a very neat yet helpful feature: intelligent interpretation of a new reminder/to-do text!

What does this mean?
Look at below examples: when you type a new reminder and include date & time in the text, the Reminders App will automatically recognize this as the due date of the new reminder and update the entry accordingly. This is not only much simpler and faster than setting due dates manually, but also more natural.

  • Example: adding a new reminder with the text
    Search for a delicious recipe tomorrow at 20:00pm

    OS X - Intelligent Text interpretation of new To-Do

  • Result: the new reminder will popup tomorrow at 8:00pm
    (notice that it even corrected my kinda wrong “20:00pm” time specification 🙂 )
    OS X - Intelligent Text interpretation Result of new To-Do

Bonus: use Siri on iOS to create new reminders
Of course you may know already, that you can use Siri on your iOS device to create new reminders. But not only can you tell Siri what and when to remind you about, but Siri is also intelligent enough to understand in which of your reminders lists that new reminder should go to!

  • Example: telling Siri I need something in my Reminders list called “Shopping” like
    Add buy a present for my sister to my shopping list


    Add a private reminder to call my dad this Sunday

    Siri iOS new specific Reminder command Siri iOS advanced new Reminder command

  • Result: this is how these 2 reminders show up in the Reminders App on OS X (and, of course, also on the iPhone & iCloud 😉 )
    Siri iOS new specific Reminder command - Result Siri iOS advanced new Reminder command - Result

Do you know other advanced features with the Reminders App on OS X or using Siri? Share them with me using the comments!

By the way: check out my OS X Automator Service here to add new reminders based on any text selection in the system.

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