Reminders Application Icon

Reminders Application IconI found myself not so satisfied with Wunderlist, as it started to cause some troubles with high CPU load on my Mac. At this time, Apple started shipping OS X Mountain Lion and included the great with it! So I gave it a try… and stayed loyal to the until today (thanks to it’s iCloud sync).

So this is an adaption of my previously posted Automator Service to add Text as Tasks to I adjusted the Automator Service to do the same for the

  1. Whenever you have selected Text in any Application, it gives you a new option called “Add as new Reminder” in the contextual menu (right-click menu).
    Reminders Service - Add Text as new Reminder
  2. If you click it, the highlighted Text gets added directly as a new Reminder to Apple’s (in your default Reminder list)!
    Reminders Service - Reminder from Text Selection added
  3. Sounds fantastic? It is! 🙂

Here you can download the Automator Service directly (to install: unzip & double-click):
OSX Automator Service – Add as new Reminder

And here’s the AppleScript source code (which is contained inside the Automator Service), in case you are interested in this stuff:

Have fun!

Update 20.07.2014: AppleScript massively simplified by using the built-in AppleScript API instead of System Events

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