Windows XP LogoChallenge?
Run a Windows application as the local Admin user, and directly pass a file path to open with that app.

Fail attempts…
I thought a Windows Command Line script would be the easiest to achieve my challenge. So I tried using…

RUNAS – which runs a specific application under the given name. BUT doesn’t allow to pass a parameter ( file path)

START – starts an application and let’s you pass a parameter ( file path). BUT doesn’t allow you to start the application as a different user.

So I continued searching the Internet, and I finally stumbled upon a hint which lead me to the solution: you need to modify a shortcut to the affected application!

In my case I had the issue with the Adobe AIR package- installer and passing directly an Adobe AIR-application to it for install.

Here’s what I did:

  1. Create a Shortcut to the .EXE-application
    WinXP RunAs App Filepath AdobeAir Example1
  2. Right-click the Shortcut and select “Properties
    WinXP RunAs App Filepath AdobeAir Example2
  3. Move the text-cursor to the very right end of the textfield “Target“, add a space,
    …and copy-paste the path of the file you want to pass to the application (the path must be enclosed by double-quotes ” “)
    WinXP RunAs App Filepath AdobeAir Example3
  4. Now click on “Advanced” in the same window and activate the checkbox “Run with different credentials
    WinXP RunAs App Filepath AdobeAir Example4
  5. Execute the modified Shortcut now, enter the desired credentials, and…Tadaa!
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