An old trick well done is far better than a new trick with no effect

– Harry Houdini

Or in other words: what works in previous macOS and OS X versions is still working in macOS Big Sur, the newest macOS release.

The slide effect for the macOS Dock can be changed to instantly show and hide it – without any delay – by using a single Terminal command.

How to show/hide the macOS Dock instantly

  • Open from Applications > Utilities
  • Copy-paste one of the following commands & confirm it

On Intel-based Macs:

defaults write autohide-delay -float 0 && killall Dock

On Apple Silicon-based Macs:

defaults write autohide-delay -float 0 && defaults write autohide-time-modifier -float 0.4 && killall Dock

Revert and add the delay back to the macOS Dock

Want to revert the behaviour and go back to adding a delay to show/hide the Dock again?

Apply the following command using the

For the single setting on Intel-based Macs

defaults delete autohide-delay && killall Dock

For the 2 commands on M1 Macs

defaults delete autohide-delay && defaults delete autohide-time-modifier && killall Dock
  • 13
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13 thoughts on “Instantly show the Dock in macOS – without delay”

    1. Thanks for pointing this out – I will have a new M1 MacBook this weekend and will see if I can figure it out to work on Big Sur on the Apple Silicon architecture.

    2. I finally got this working after a hard crash and several restarts, but it took two commands to fully achieve:

      remove dock delay:
      defaults write autohide-delay -float 0 && killall Dock

      remove dock animation:
      defaults write autohide-time-modifier -int 0 && killall Dock

  1. @John & Daniel (and all other M1 Mac users): thank you for pointing this out, and John for a possible approach. I wasn’t able to get it to work with the proposed command, though – but did find a working solution for a M1 Silicon MacBook Pro:

    On M1 Apple Silicon-based Macs, use:

    defaults write autohide-delay -float 0 && defaults write autohide-time-modifier -float 0.4 && killall Dock

    The post has also been updated to reflect this addition 🙂

    1. Is there a maximum value? I used to use 1.5. but that has no effect on the M1 (I do not want the dock popping up willy-nilly)

      1. @Lewis it works for me on an M1 MacBook – see this GIF with 5.5, 2.5, 1.5 and 0.4. And yes @fucku, it also works with 0 – but that looks awkward IMHO.

  2. This is great. But it doesn’t remove the dock delay with apps in full screen mode. Any hints as how to remove that as well?

    1. Hi Thilo,
      I researched this and didn’t find any solution. It would require to reduce the “trigger margin area” to bring up the Dock, which seems to be more “below the visible screen” than when not in full screen mode.

      I remember Apple having introduced this trigger margin area below the screen some OS versions many years ago – it was quite annoying in the beginning to get used to “over swipe” the mouse cursor, to bring up the Dock at all.

      The best thing at this point is probably to learn that you swipe down the mouse cursor extra hard or far, when working in full screen mode.

  3. I’m on an M1 MacBook Air and found that only `autohide-time-modifier` has any effect. The command could be simplified to:
    defaults write autohide-time-modifier -float 0.4 && killall Dock

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