Since I last played DOOM 3 many, many changes to the Apple Mac landscape have happened: we got the ARM-based chip architecture «Apple Silicon», and OS X evolved into a native 64-bit macOS operating system. So no wonder, when I checked about DOOM 3 on modern Macs, it was again a little journey…

Here’s the summary of how to natively run DOOM 3 on modern macOS on M1/M2/Mx hardware.

First a foremost: get the required DOOM 3 files

You need a legal copy of «DOOM 3» – merely its «.pk4» game data files – and the Mac version of the dhewm3 source port. Grab these here:

* alternatively, GOG has also a great value deal on DOOM 3

Get ready to play: sorting the game files in macOS Finder

Once you have access to the DOOM 3 game files and mounted the dhewm3 DMG-file from Mac Source Ports, you have to place the files in different places. Consult the screenshot below to see what goes where:

Screenshot of the dhewm3 App and the required Application Support folder to play Doom 3 on macOS
This screenshot explains visually where to the and the base folder need to be placed.

Put «» in /Applications/ folder

This is pretty simply: either follow the instructions within the mounted volume of dhewm3 – or manually drag’n’drop the «» to your /Applications/ folder, your user’s ~/Applications/ folder, or a custom ~/Games/DOOM3/ folder.

It doesn’t really matter – just get it out of the mounted volume.

Copy the DOOM 3 «base» folder to /Application Support/

Having the actual game files in the right place is a bit more tricky, as mostly your user’s ~/Library/ folder is not visible. But in the meantime, Apple introduced a keyboard-shortcut in Finder – hooray!

  1. In Finder, use this keyboard shortcut: ⌘Command + ⇧Shift + L
    Alternatively click the Go menu » Go to folder… & type ~/Library
  2. Now you should see the «Library» folder popping up
  3. From the list of folders, open «/Application Support»
    Alternatively in Finder click Go » Go to folder… & type ~/Library/Application Support
  4. Within that, create a new folder named exactly: dhewm3
  5. Open the just added «/Application Support/dhewm3/» folder
  6. Now have the original «Doom 3»-game folder ready & copy the whole «base»-folder into /dhewm3/!

Making it beautiful: widescreen resolution & HD graphics patches

Unfortunately the in-game settings don’t allow to switch DOOM 3 into widescreen and fullscreen resolution reliably. So you have to do this in a configuration file – but it should be straight-forward to get you your desired native resolutions & widescreen support!

Screenshot of Doom3 base folder with custom configs and hi-definition graphics patches
This screenshot shows the DOOM 3 base-folder with custom additions

Configuring native fullscreen resolution & go beyond 120 FPS in DOOM 3

First of all what you may want is to have DOOM 3 run fullscreen and in your desktop’s native resolution. In order to achieve this, I recommend creating a separate configuration file, where you adapt the values to your Mac’s display settings.

  1. Create a new text file in «» – or any other text editor of your choice
  2. Copy-paste below lines into the new file.
  3. Don’t forget to update the values to your liking / according to your Mac’s «Display Settings»!
  4. Save the file as «autoexec.cfg» into ~/Library/Application Support/dhewm3/base/

Example widescreen settings for DOOM 3 «autoexec.cfg»

But there is more: high-definition graphics, textures, and models

There are 2 patches I recommend to apply, in order to increase the quality of models and textures in DOOM 3: the «Doom 3 Hi Def» patch, and «Denton’s Enhanced Doom3» patch:

Once the files have been downloaded & extracted from their ZIP-file:

  • See above screenshot for which mod files are required.
  • copy the mods’ .pk4-files also to the «base» folder here:
    ~/Library/Application Support/dhewm3/base/

And finally: polishing up the overall graphics & look’n’feel in DOOM 3

There are a ton of tweaks and configs for DOOM 3: I put together a list of which I found useful and applied.

Use whatever settings you like from the following set of additional configurations – just copy-paste the lines into the «autoexec.cfg» file:

  • 6
  • 0

6 thoughts on “Playing «DOOM 3» natively on Apple Silicon Macs with over 120 FPS”

  1. What a great idea. I am trying it. How does one find the .pk4 files? I have the game from, but on downloading I have a .bin or .exe, neither of which I can unpack.

  2. So the weird thing is I have successfully followed the instal process, got the game from, but it’s installed the Spanish version!

  3. Weirdly getting the Spanish language version when I download, Spanish voice acting, graphics. I wonder why is giving me that one

    1. @Bill & @Will: DOOM 3 from gog is in a variety of languages – you should be able to change it either in-game or via the config file:

      1. Open the ~/Library/Application Support/dhewm3/base/ folder (Command+G in Finder)
      2. Open (or create) the file DoomConfig.cfg from here
      3. Search for and change – or add, if missing – this line:
        seta sys_lang "english"
      4. Save the file, and launch DOOM 3.

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