On OS X, the best way to almost natively test apps or websites is by using the so called “iOS Simulator” (now named simply “Simulator”) which is available as part of the installed Xcode Development Tools. Even though it requires a development suite installed, the tool itself is not only relevant for developers but also for testing or previewing e.g. mobile optimized websites or do a Screen Recording in iOS!

Default cumbersome way to start iOS Simulator within Xcode

By default, after having Xcode installed on your Mac, the Simulator.app must be started via
iOS Simulator Launcher 01 - Xcode default launch

Xcode.app > Xcode > Open Developer Tool > Simulator

This way to start it is cumbersome and takes a lot of time.

Starting the Simulator as standalone app

But good news: the iOS Simulator is delivered as a standalone app actually – hidden inside the Xcode.app Package Contents!
iOS Simulator Launcher 02 - Simulator Location in Xcode Package
So to bypass Xcode for starting the Simulator, I wrote a simple Automator application which directly launches the Simulator.app!

You can download it here

Or – by following these steps – create it yourself in Automator.

How to create an Automator Application to directly launch Simulator.app

  1. The Simulator.app is not available standalone, therefore you need Xcode installed on your Mac: Install Xcode (Mac App Store)
  2. Open the Automator.app and create a new “Application”-workflow
    iOS Simulator Launcher 03 - Automator Workflow Step 01
  3. Add the Automator-Action “Launch Application” into the workflow-area
  4. Using it’s dropdown, scroll to the bottom and choose “Other…”
    iOS Simulator Launcher 03 - Automator Workflow Step 02
  5. Now it’s time to select the Simulator.app – but to get inside the Xcode App-Package, you have to hit the Command+G shortcut.
    In the appearing “Go to folder”-dialogue, enter the following path:


    iOS Simulator Launcher 03 - Automator Workflow Step 03

  6. Back in Automator, you can test it using the “Run“-button. If all is working, save it as an Application – and you’re done!

iOS Simulator Launcher 04 - Launch Custom App

Enjoy saving time starting the iOS Simulator on your Mac from now on 🙂

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5 thoughts on “OS X: launcher for iOS Simulator and bypassing Xcode”

  1. Another suggestion would be going into Xcode.app package contents and creating an alias (shortcut) to the Simulator.app, drag it into your Applications folder and its now indexed and can be launched via spotlight.

    1. Not sure if I didn‘t try this – or this wasn‘t working back then when I wrote the post.
      Anyhow: thanks for this suggestion, would be much simpler than using an Automator wrapper of course! 👍

  2. Great article! I think on macOS 10.13.5 and higher the new shortcut to launch Go to Folder is Command + Shift + G

  3. Just want to thank you. This tip helped me accomplish something I needed to do for my Job. really useful. Thanks !

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