Recently I discovered a mysterious message showing up in every new Terminal window I opened under OS X. The notice simply read “You have new mail”:

You Have New Mail in OS X Terminal

First I thought this was something that had been put in the Terminal’s startup message (called motd – Message of the Day, which can be edited with “$ pico /etc/motd”). However, this was not the case.
Fortunately a short web-search delivered the answer and solution to this strange occurrence: the message is a part of the built-in Unix mail processing system, called “mail” or “mailx”.

This application provides a functionality called “sendmail” which is commonly used in website development to generate an e-mail, for example in a contact form. And this was also the reason why I had that suspicious mail notice in my Terminal.

How to get rid of those messages

By using the follwing Terminal command, you will receive an overview of the mail messages – namely the mail inbox:

$ mailx #launches the unix mail app
Mail version 8.1 6/6/93.  Type ? for help.
"/var/mail/user": 1 message 1 unread
>U  1 MAILER-DAEMON@...  Mon Feb  8 21:41  81/2505  "Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender"

The prefix “U” stands for “Unread”. There are other prefixes such as “N” = New and “> ” = Read.
From here you can use now several commands to handle the messages (display the list using “?”):

? ? [RETURN]
type messages
goto and type next message
edit messages
give head lines of messages
delete messages
file append messages to file
undelete messages
reply to message senders
reply to message senders and all recipients
make messages go back to /var/mail
mail to specific users
quit, saving unresolved messages in mbox
quit, do not remove system mailbox
print out active message headers

Most commonly you might want to read the message(s) and/or delete them. To do so, type:

? message-id [RETURN]
#Use ctrl+v to skip through the message

Afterwards simply use the following command to delete a message:

? d message-id [RETURN]

Further reading

  1. Type $ man mail into the Terminal
  2. History of mail, Mail, mailx & nail
  3. mailx & mail on Wikipedia
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