When using the Citrix ICA Client on Mac OS X, you are dealing with getting a lot of so called “launch files” for the ICA Client application.

I got bugged with all those files and cleaning them up manually from my Downloads folder.
Citrix files in Download folder

So I created a quick and simple solution to automate this task:

  1. Launch “Automator.app”
    Automator Icon
  2. Add the action “Search Finder-Objects”.
    Define the filter as “Suffix is ‘ica'” and specify the searchfolder as whatever folder the Citrix files are downloaded to on your Mac (for me it’s the Downloads folder).
    Automator Action Search Finder-Objects
  3. Add the action “Send Finder-Objects to the trash”
    Automator Action trash Citrix files
  4. Click “Save as Plug-in” from the file menu
    Automator Save As Plug-in
  5. Choose “Folder Action”, type a name and specify the target folder (once again, where your Citrix files will be downloaded to) – make sure to “Enable Folder Actions”

Now every time a file is being added/removed/edited in the target folder (Downloads), the activated Folder Action will be executed. You will, in combination with the Citrix ICA Client, recognize, that the file is being immediately deleted after the Client application is launched.

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