Safari: How-to add a “Tweet this”-shortcut
How-to add a “Tweet this”-shortcut to Safari, in order to tweet the webpage you are currently browsing.
Various things related to Apple’s macOS (formerly known as OS X or Mac OS X).
How-to add a “Tweet this”-shortcut to Safari, in order to tweet the webpage you are currently browsing.
When you have installed MAMP (Mac Apache, MySQL, PHP) on your Mac, you may want to connect to it’s MySQL Server using the OS X I describe here, how this can be achieved.
Der OS X Finder basiert rein auf Copy-, Cut- & Paste (Kopieren, Ausschneiden, Einfügen). Dennoch gibt es eine bequeme Variante, einen Ordner mit seiner gesamten Struktur (Unterordner & Dateien) zu “mergen” – und zwar über das mit dem Befehl “rsync”.
I am working on Mac OS 10.5.6 Leopard. Today I recognized, that every 10 seconds Apache forced the following error messages to appear in my console.log: org.apache.httpd[10664] (13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80 org.apache.httpd[10664] (13)Permission denied: make_sock:… Continue reading » “OS X: org.apache.httpd (13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address”
When using the Citrix ICA Client on Mac OS X, you are dealing with getting a lot of so called “launch files” for the ICA Client application. I got bugged with all those files and cleaning them up manually from… Continue reading » “Cleanup Citrix .ica launch files under Mac OS X”
Ein simpler Beispielworkflow den man unter OS X einbinden kann.
Mac OS X belegt an gewissen «internen» Orten viel Platz, den man aufräumen kann.
Ein verstecker Terminalbefehl enthält viele Möglichkeiten für verbesserte Sicherheit am Mac.
After having tried several apps like the default BOMArchiveHelper, StuffIt Expander, Unrar, Split&Concat and MacHacha I nearly tended to give up…
A simple trick to extract these proprietary archives nowadays.