MacBook Tape on Built-in iSight Camera - Teaser

Do you cover your Mac’s Camera with Tape against Privacy Infringements? It’s not enough!

Tape on the camera may prevent somebody spying on you visually – but this does not prevent anybody hacking your computer and accessing it’s built-in microphone to listen to your conversations! And tape on the microphone spot is by far not making it completely “mute”. So tape is just not enough – you do need a software-based solution for full control: and there is one to do just that – OverSight.

OS X: launcher for iOS Simulator and bypassing Xcode

On OS X, the best way to almost natively test apps or websites is by using the so called “iOS Simulator” (now named simply “Simulator”) which is available as part of the installed Xcode Development Tools.
So to bypass Xcode for starting the Simulator, I wrote a simple Automator application which directly launches the – you can download it in this post or create it yourself following the instructions.

Google Search - Information Network

Google Search – powerful search features beyond your usual searches

What I appreciate about Google Search is just how extensive it is in providing accurate information to queries, where I am only looking for a certain specific information – rather than various result pages to websites. In this post I’m showing you some of my favourites, which I use almost daily. Some examples include currency conversion, movie information, weather information, and so on.

Reminders Application Icon

Did you know that the Reminders App in OS X has intelligent text interpretation? (example inside)

Apple’s very own, available on OS X, iOS and iCloud, comes with a very neat yet helpful feature: intelligent interpretation of a new reminder/to-do text. On iOS devices using Siri, you can not only tell it what and when to remind you about, but Siri is also intelligent enough to understand in which of your reminders lists that new reminder should go to!