Doom 3 in Widescreen resolution
I was able to fix playing DOOM 3 in pretty widescreen again, using some custom screen settings.
Articles with practical solutions to common tech problems, from software issues to hardware fixes and more.
I was able to fix playing DOOM 3 in pretty widescreen again, using some custom screen settings.
I wanted to have an AppleScript application, that takes all files from a specific Source-Folder and moves them to a user defined Target-Folder.
Apple’s Pages ’09 lacks some features that you might deal with when using it extensively. I am going to document in a short blog-post series a few of such missing features and the hacks I used to get around them. In this post, I’ll document how you can mix numbered and unnumbered list items inside the TOC of a Pages document.
Apple’s Pages ’09 lacks some features that you might deal with when using it extensivly. I am going to document in a short blog-post series a few of such missing features and the hacks I used to get around them. In this post, I’ll write about how to “Insert pages at landscape format” into Pages documents.
Apple’s Pages ’09 lacks some features that you might deal with when using it extensivly. I am going to document in a short blog-post series a few of such missing features and the hacks I used to get around them. In this post, I’ll write about “The mess with numeration of sub-indexes and headings”.
Der OS X Finder basiert rein auf Copy-, Cut- & Paste (Kopieren, Ausschneiden, Einfügen). Dennoch gibt es eine bequeme Variante, einen Ordner mit seiner gesamten Struktur (Unterordner & Dateien) zu “mergen” – und zwar über das mit dem Befehl “rsync”.
I am working on Mac OS 10.5.6 Leopard. Today I recognized, that every 10 seconds Apache forced the following error messages to appear in my console.log: org.apache.httpd[10664] (13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80 org.apache.httpd[10664] (13)Permission denied: make_sock:… Continue reading » “OS X: org.apache.httpd (13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address”
Ein simpler Beispielworkflow den man unter OS X einbinden kann.
After having tried several apps like the default BOMArchiveHelper, StuffIt Expander, Unrar, Split&Concat and MacHacha I nearly tended to give up…
A simple trick to extract these proprietary archives nowadays.