Safari 15 tab bar challenge: quick close a tab on hover
⌘ Command-key to the rescue!
Safari, Apple’s default web browser on macOS, praised for its speed, efficiency, and privacy features.
⌘ Command-key to the rescue!
A neat setting to completely deny ANY website to ask for permissions for sending notification alerts… finally!
Ever thought it would be helpful if you simply could just change that text on a website, to bring across your point? Well that’s possible – at least temporary: by using a modern web feature, you can basically edit any… Continue reading » “Live edit texts on any website — a helpful browser bookmarklet”
Mit Safari 5.0.1 (bzw. 4.1.1) behebt Apple die Sicherheitslücke in Safari 4 & 5, welche es ermöglichte, alle Informationen der persönlichen Adressbuch-Visitenkarte bei einem Webseiten-Besuch automatisiert auszulesen.
Ich kenn deinen Namen und weiss wo du arbeitest: automatischer Abzug der persönlichen Adressbuch-Visitenkarte möglich.