Download macOS & OS X installers from Mac App Store or softwareupdate
Because I had a hard time finding them: official Apple links to download OS X Mavericks → macOS Monterey
Various things related to Apple’s macOS (formerly known as OS X or Mac OS X).
Because I had a hard time finding them: official Apple links to download OS X Mavericks → macOS Monterey
A neat setting to completely deny ANY website to ask for permissions for sending notification alerts… finally!
Some people commented that my previously proposed solution to instantly show/hide the Dock in Big Sur is not working on their new M1 based Apple Silicon Macs.
I was able to investigate and provide a working solution, tested on a M1 MacBook Pro:
[…]When your AirPods paired in macOS don’t deliver the full audio quality, here is the most likely fix for that.
What System Preferences settings need to be enabled in order to use the «Sunset to Sunrise» Night Shift schedule.
Got a «PHP Warning: session_start() failed: No such file or directory» with MAMP PHP on macOS Big Sur – but found a way to make session storage work again
A single command to make the macOS Dock to slide in and slide out without any delays
Solutions how to fix the issue with MAMP on macOS Big Sur Beta that the MySQL service cannot be started – with /tmp/mysql/ ended
Here is an updated version of my custom made Games folder icon to use in macOS.
How to still recover data from an unreadable Apple_HFS volume/CD/DVD in macOS Catalina